Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Ways to Be:
9 Ways to be Happy and Make Something of your Life

Gordon B. Hinckley 

1. Be grateful:

The nine ways to be grateful throughout your life is to think about what others do not have and reflect on the things you do have. For example, you may own 10 pairs of different brands of shoes. Little do you know that the person you sit next to in class may only have one. Be grateful for being able to own shoes when others out there do not have any. Learning to become humble about the items you own influences the way you are when being grateful. By always wanting more, it becomes a process of constantly receiving and never giving. Showing others that you are grateful comes with having respect for them. By constantly stating, "Thank you" after receiving something is a display of kindness. Having manners include the following of opening the doors for others, saying please and thank you, appreciating the items given towards you, and that you aren't taking things for granted. Examples of taking things for granted is when you want something in particular from a store. when asking your parents for the money, they notify you that the item being selected will not be possible to buy due to the expenses that will be made. instead of being mature and understanding about the situation, you end up creating a temper tantrum.   

2.  Be Smart: 

Nine ways that could help you be a smart person, is by developing skills that are used in everyday life. Some skills include learning how to communicate with others that aren't particularly your age. Being able to view a situation from others perspectives can advance your intelligence. Simply because you experiment in different ways that causes your mind to expand. Being smart doesn't necessarily mean book smart. In my opinion being smart means having respect for others and yourself. Helping others when it is needed shows that you are caring and understanding. Being smart means that you should teach others your knowledge and learn how to apply it in ways you have never done before. The way i am planning to become smarter this year, is by continuing to have communication skills with my peers and adults. Showing the adults, my classmates, and myself the respect i deserve, as well as showing that i am humble to this society. 

3. Be Involved in Good Works: 

Nine ways that could help you be involved in good works is by taking baby steps one step at a time. A person can not just transfer in one night, changing takes time. Taking baby steps have included activities like opening doors for others or helping them off the ground when they happen to fall. For example, if someone happens to drop their items, a good dead would be accomplished if you help. Taking bigger steps of doing good works could be volunteering at places that provide help to wither other people or nature. Some hospitals provide volunteer hours for people to help around with patients and gain experience if they are interested in that field of work. Other volunteer options that could be done from the earth are beach clean ups. It is basic clean up activities that take place at the beach to help make the world a better place. Now lets say you want to do good works, but happen to be busy that particular week. Donating to programs could be an option as well. There are so many different types of donating programs that are provided. It goes from saving young children in the hospitals, or elders in the senior citizen homes. Humans aren't the only ones that need help, Donating to programs that work with animals increases the life capacity of the animals being kept in pounds.

4. Be clean:

Strating the nine ways of being clean with the basics are to simply take a shower with soap and water. Being clean isn't just your hygiene. Don't get me wrong, brushing your teeth and washing your hands are important parts of the day. To go more into depth your vocabulary must display respect towards others as well. For example cursing indicates that your mouth is dirty and you aren't respectful. Other duties that have to do with being clean are taking care of the earth you live on. This includes your belongings, and or household. Having your household clean minimizes stress and brings a positive attitude for yourself and the people around you. Having your belongings clean and organized keeps your stress level low. Cleaning the streets or side walks helps keeps the world a better place. As well as it guarantees more time on this planet. By taking baby steps one day at a time, the world will become a better place. The actions i will take to stay clean are volunteer at beach clean ups to help the environment. As well as keep my household clean and myself clean to bring a positive attitude. Cleaning the streets or the sidewalks will be a bonus feature at that point to stay on this planet.

5. Be True:

The nine ways to be true involves being true to yourself and other people. Being true means that you have to be honest and take responsibility for the actions and the words that you say. Having good judgement towards someone shows that you are true towards citizens. Being honest is the number one thing that people care about when it comes to haveing a relationship with someone else. whether it is a friendship or a boy friend/ girl friend relationship, no one wants to have problems when it comes to being honest. Being true with yourself can mean that you shouldn't and do not need any time of approval from anyone when it comes to making yourself happy. An example would be if you happen to like a jacket when you go to the store and you ask for your friends opinion. Your friends states that she doesnt like it, in a way that influences your decision of purchasing the jacket. No approval needed from anyone, at the end of the day if you like the jacket, then you should purchase it. the steps i will take to be true is to continue to make myself happy. I work hard everyday to care less what others think of me when it comes to my attitude or style of clothes i chose to wear. I will continue to be honest with myself and other people whether i do not want to or not, and i will continue to respect myself and other peers to stay true.   

6. Be Positive: 

The nine ways to be positive is to start off by surrounding yourself in a healthy enviroment. by healthy enviroment i mean in a household or place where everyone gets along for most of the time. I do understand that at moments some people have disagreements but that is normal. If people are always having disputes then a negative vibe will always surround you. Steps that must be taken to become a positive person is by eliminating the people that you do not like out of your life. i understand that it is impossible, but you should take baby steps. For example, only talk to the people you want to talk to. Make your life simple and talk to others that are drama free, and simply go with the flow. If you come across with a certain person you dislike or a group, then simply address them with respect but keep it short and to the point. You shouldn't have the need to cook up a conversation if not wanted. Another step that can be taken is to simply think positive thoughts. It may sound cheesy, but you should learn how to love yourself. Every morning when you wake up, give yourself a compliment, feel confident in your own skin. Throughout the day, tell yourself how pretty you look, even if you dont believe it at first. If you say something a good amount of times, you will eventually believe it.  

7. Be humble: 

The nine ways to become humble is to let actions speak louder than words. Being huble shows that you as a person have respect for others, and you are kind. what i mean by letting actions speak louder than words is that if you are successful it is better to be normal about it instead of always trying to be better than every one else. It is okay to celebrate your accomplishments but you shouldn't over do it either. Think about the other person who wasn't as successful as you. Being humble means that you care for people's feeling when it comes to being successful throughout your life. The steps i will take to continue to be humble is to simply celebrate my accomplishments at the correct moment and not over do it. i understand that not everyone gets as far as they wants to be, and i dont want to be that  person that keeps bragging about what i succeed in. 

8. Be Still: 

The nine ways to become still are to simply be calm and take things easy. Being patient with others shows a sign of stillness. Being still means having a stress free life. Another example could be that your life is solid as a rock. Learning how to become still can be complicated because a vaeriety of people aren't educated on what being still means. The steps i will take in order to become still are trying to be stress free, and stop myself from overthinking. I overthink too much that it comes to a point where i overthinking about overthinking. i simply need to go with the flow and enjoy life. 

9. Be funny: 

Final Reflection:

My overall thoughts and feelings about the nine ways to be happy is that i think it is very helpful because it is a guide for me to get my life together. I know that in the future there will be times where i will be lost and be confused on how to better my life. I can use this in the future because i will alwasy have it with me. By writing this with my own thoughst and opinions, it could help me when i am feeling blue. This could be a reminder that my life should have at least 7 out of the 9. How i will apply these nine ways to my life is by using it as a guide and have a self evaluatoin. I will show myself what i must improve on throughout my life. 

The 9 Ways Concluding words by Gordon B. Hinckley

"There they are, nine Be's which, if observed, will bring handsome dividends to any young man or woman. They will add sparkle to your days and peace to your nights. They will save you from heartache and pain. They will bring purpose into your life and give direction to your energies. 

They will bring you friends of your own kind. They will protect you from associations that would pull you down and deflect you from your course.
This is a time to be happy. This is a time to feel joy and make friends and enjoy the best this life has to offer. What I have tried to put forth .... are simply a few suggestions, gained from many years of living, to help you do just that. The world will tell that certain kinds of things will bring you happiness – things such as popularity and possessions and satisfying your baser desires.
If today you find yourself only drifting as a leaf in a stream, get hold of yourself and determine you will do better.
At railroad grade crossings, signs of warning were once common. Two cross arms were emblazoned with the words, “Stop, Look, Listen.” They meant that a train could be roaring down the tracks and you had better be alert.

I was riding a train in the Midwest years ago. I looked out the window to my left. A road ran parallel to the tracks. A car with a boy and a girl was speeding down the road a little faster than the train. The car moved ahead until I can no longer see it. Suddenly, the locomotive whistle sounded and the train screeched to a halt as the brakes gripped the wheels. 
We looked out the window on to the other side. There was a mangled car. Police cars soon converged, followed by the ambulance. The boy and girl were both dead. The road they were traveling crossed the tracks. They did not stop, look, or listen. It all happened in an instant.

The better way to Be is the way of these nine Be’s.

The years will inevitably pass, and pass quickly. Today is your day of resolution. Promise yourself to make something good of (your) precious life."